How we help - Family mediation

Feel that no-one is listening to you?

Our mediation service works with young people and their families to resolve issues which are impacting on relationships at home or school.

You can self refer to the service or be referred by a professional.  Once we have received the referral, a mediator will contact you to arrange an appointment. See below for the referral form link.

Mediation Referral Form / Mediation Information

It helped me to say things to my mum that I never had before. I was too scared before. If you feel like you can’t speak to your parents or they can’t speak to you in a fair manner, go to mediation (young person).

It's helped. It was like a boxing match before. Now it's given us options for dealing with arguments (school drop-in).

How can I access mediation?

Anyone aged 11-25 and their parent/carer can access mediation. You must be a resident in the Wyre Forest or South Worcestershire (Kidderminster, Bewdley, Stourport, Worcester City, Droitwich, Evesham, Pershore or Malvern Hills).

If you want to find out where you are located please, check your postcode here.

Contact Nightstop on 01562 743111 or complete the form below and we will be in touch.

What is mediation?

Our team of trained and experienced mediators provide a safe environment for young people and/or family members to come up with their own workable solutions in 2 ways:

Family relationship sessions: Each person involved in mediation will receive an individual session to talk about issues from your point of view. You are then asked if you would like a joint session. If everyone agrees, your mediator will arrange this. This is a managed process and your chance to talk about key issues, find ways forward and if possible work towards agreement. We will continue to support a family with more than one joint session if this is needed.

Drop-in school sessions: a) a young person will be listened to in a safe, supportive environment and encouraged to make positive changes b) supported to develop 3 key areas; communication, relationships, emotional well being c) signposted to other services.

It's been absolutely brilliant, things have been much calmer, we've  been communicating much better. Thank you so much (parent).


Trained mediator


Trained mediator.


Trained mediator.

Get in touch

Please complete the form below and we will be in touch